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Chính Chủ gửi tin

Thời gian đăng tin: 17:48 17/06/2023
Tin về hệ thống lúc: 17/06/23
Địa chỉ: Biên Hòa
Tổng giá: 944.375 triệu/tổng

ይዳኑ መርጌታ ሰናይ የባህል944375281 መድሀኒት አስማት ሰጭ ይደውሉ 0944375281 ይዳኑ ምጣት የማትችሉ ባሉበት እንሰራለን በውጭም ባገር ውስጥም ያላቹህ በሙሉ ይደውሉ ይዳኑ መርጌታ ሰናይ ብለው
0944375281አሁኑኑ ይደውሉ
1 🌿 መፍትሔ_ሥራይ (የጠላት ድግምት መሻሪያ)
2 🌿 ለቡዳ ለሀብት ለሰላቢ ለልክፍት ለድግምት ላይነጥላ ለመስተፋቅር
3 🌿 ለቁራኛ ለግርማ ሞገስ ለአፍዝ አደግዝ ከዚህ በታች ለተዘረዘሩት...


Yidanu Mergeta Senay cultural 944375281 medicine magic giver call 0944375281. Those of you who can't afford to come we work where ever you are those who are in and abroad call Yidanu Margeta Senay
Call now 0944375281
1 🌿 solution (Remove enemy's spell)
2 🌿 for witches, wealth, witchcraft, magic, and for loving each other.
3 🌿 For Kuragna, for grace, for Afz Adegiz, for all those listed below
4 🌿 &expecting (who protects from the enemy)
5 🌿 for my summer
6 🌿 solution for any kind of disease
7 🌿 for a vision (that shows in a dream)7
8 🌿 for the anti (enemies)
9 🌿 Prosecutor (who protects us from enemies)
10 🌿 for Zeyagedef (not bad for education)
11 🌿 for a secret (educational)
12 🌿 for solution_wealth (for those whose wealth is hidden by enemy's magic)
13 🌿 love each other
14 🌿 for grace (so that people respect us and love us)
15 🌿 for anti-guns (so that the enemy doesn't talk to us and fear us
16 🌿 for a thief (who protects us from being robbed)
17 🌿 for those who have lost or lost a partner
What you can get
18 🌿 for reservation for market (so we can get market jealous)
19 🌿 Mestehadir (Even if there is no cattle, they are at home peacefully
Bringser )
20 🌿 stick(earning money in the market).
21 🌿 for eye_shadow (release of the spirit of fear)
22 🌿 for the human tongue
23 🌿 for a blessing
24 🌿 for the return of the leg (for a lost person)
25 🌿 Mishabe_Neway (earning money)
26 🌿 days of prayer
27 🌿 for writing, drawing, drums, Christmas, and craftsmen
28 🌿 which makes you melt while reading.
29 🌿 for the drum
30 🌿 to bloom (when the enemy tries to attack us and gets close to us
One that makes you forget the fight and hide it from you)
31 🌿 for the crown
32 🌿 for the cross dresser
33 🌿 for lazy sex
34 🌿 The Eyeward ( for men to fasten the genes during sexual intercourse.
A block that keeps it from coming down)
35 🌿 to be frightened (so that the one who fights with us will be scared when he sees us
That will do)
36 🌿 for bullet proof ( bullet proof )
37 🌿 for stick ( non stick ).
38 🌿 cause_eskit (for men who are weak)
39 🌿 Illegal (Prisoning our spouse from going to other places)
To prevent you from singing it)
40 🌿 for human eyes (protects from human eyes)
41 🌿 for the cycle.
42 🌿 magic for the difficult and backbiting
43 🌿 for the rheumatic disease
44 🌿 the pain of attachment.
45 🌿 for dry knees
46 🌿 the pain of a bat
47 🌿 waist pain
48 🌿 neck and shoulder pain
49 🌿 . . Dry cough syrup.
50 🌿 for blood pressure
51 🌿 stomach bug
52 🌿 Severe diarrhea of the stomach
53 🌿 for the one who escapes peeing in bed.
54 🌿 Mental stress, depression, isolation, insomnia
55 🌿 sleep a lot
56 🌿 a different kind of skin ailment
57 🌿 to lose weight
58 🌿 The disease of arthritis.
59 🌿 Headache with the following pains
60 🌿 if there is tension around the eye
61 🌿 sinus pain
62 🌿 stomach dryness and stomach pain
63 🌿 if there is a problem with period
64 🌿 if there is a slip of the waist
65 🌿 stress and stress of the mind
66 🌿 for a high headache
67 🌿 for those who don't have memory, awareness, motivation.
68 🌿 tap for the sound
69 🌿 to quit smoking
70 🌿 lost himself to suffer
On 0944375281
Give us a call

In just 7 days

HIV medicine, many are being cured here.

Translated from Amharic
(Sold) Life

ይዳኑ መርጌታ ሰናይ የባህል944375281 መድሀኒት አስማት ሰጭ ይደውሉ 0944375281 ይዳኑ ምጣት የማትችሉ ባሉበት እንሰራለን በውጭም ባገር ውስጥም ያላቹህ በሙሉ ይደውሉ ይዳኑ መርጌታ ሰናይ ብለው
0944375281አሁኑኑ ይደውሉ
1 🌿 መፍትሔ_ሥራይ (የጠላት ድግምት መሻሪያ)
2 🌿 ለቡዳ ለሀብት ለሰላቢ ለልክፍት ለድግምት ላይነጥላ ለመስተፋቅር
3 🌿 ለቁራኛ ለግርማ ሞገስ ለአፍዝ አደግዝ ከዚህ በታች ለተዘረዘሩት ሁሉ
4 🌿 &መጠብቅ (ከጠላት ከሚላክ ሟርት የሚጠብቅ)
5 🌿 ለጋኔን
6 🌿 ለማንኛውም ዓይነት በሽታ መፍትሔ
7 🌿 ለራእይ (በህልም የሚያሳይ)7
8 🌿 ለፀር (ለጠላት)
9 🌿 ዓቃቤ_ርእስ (ጠላት እንዳይጎዳን የሚጠብቅ)
10 🌿 ለዘኢያገድፍ (ለትምህርት የማያስጠፋ የማያስጥል)...



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